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Yoga Nicky Angelone Yoga Nicky Angelone

mind weeds

โ€˜You should rather be grateful for the weeds you have in your mind, because eventually they will enrich your practice.โ€™

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Yoga Nicky Angelone Yoga Nicky Angelone

shoshin... beginners mind

The start of our yoga year is a good time to reflect on our practice and to โ€˜get back to basicsโ€™ or 'Shoshin' - beginners mind, in the Zen tradition.

The analogy of beginners mind is a way to help us in our approach - to look with fresh eyes, as though for the first time.

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Yoga Nicky Angelone Yoga Nicky Angelone

is there an area of my life that needs more attention?

Reflecting this week, โ€˜Is there an area of my life that needs more attentionโ€™... or can I accept the way things are for now, trusting this too will pass... and balance will be restored. Resolving to either make a change or accepting it is what it is for now.

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