Crisis Support
My counselling services are by appointment and not a crisis service. If your need is urgent, you are in crisis, or where you may be a danger to yourself or others, please call Emergency 000 or reach out to one of the helpline services listed below or find additional support services here:
Emergency Servicesβ―
000 (24 hours, every day)
Free Australia-wide crisis support and suicide prevention service
13 11 14 (24 hours, every day)
Text 0477 131 114 (24 hours, every day)
Lifeline online crisis chat (from 7pm to midnight, 7 nights)
Beyond Blue
Free counselling (usually ~ 20 mins) if youβre in the middle of a hard time
1300 224 636 (24 hours, every day)
Online and video chat is also available via their website.
Suicide call back service
Free Australia-wide service for people affected by suicide
1300 659 467 (24 hours, every day)
Online and video chat is also available via their website.
Free counselling and support for people in Victoria
1300 651 251 (24 hours, every day)
Online and video chat is also available via their website.