My Blog
Navigating Grief During Holiday Times and Special Occasions
Grief can have a big impact on holiday times and special occasions, especially in the first year following your loss.
Disenfranchised Grief and Validating Unseen Loss
Disenfranchised grief is a term used to describe the unique pain that arises when society doesn’t acknowledge or validate a particular loss.
Nurturing Growth Amidst Grief: Understanding Lois Tonkin's Model
There is no one way to grieve. Tonkin’s model of grief helps us to understand how we can continue to grow around our grief.
Understanding the Evolving Stages of Grief and Healing
If you’re navigating grief, there are some evolving ideas around the stages of grief and how we heal, that you may find supportive.
Practical Steps from Two Models of Grief
Robert Neimeyer's meaning-making model of grief, and the Dual Process Model.
Navigating the Uncharted Waters of Grief
Exploring 4 Models: The Tasks of Morning, Growing around Grief, Making Meaning & The Stages of Grief