My Blog
Meditation - what it is to me
The definitions describing meditation that I like most are those which talk about meditation being the practice of becoming familiar with yourself…
Meditation - my experience
When I started to meditate, many years ago, I started with formal practice of sitting in silence for a period of time
problem - smile
Think of a problem in your life, and invite yourself to smile….to not fight it… and as you do, remembering you have control of YOUR situation (how you choose to respond), you are you, not your problem… and inviting in some peace.
awareness - setting a goal
What is the quality my heart longs for and desires most. Take time to be still, and to listen.
connection - breath
In synchronising movement and breath, and focusing on this, we anchor ourselves in the present moment.
connection - asana
In our Flourish yoga classes we focus on what our bodies can do for us, not the limitations we may have.
smart goals
Goals work to work to provide clarity and focus around what you want in any aspect of life. It’s best to make the SMART….
pratyahara - withdrawing from the senses
Wishing you a week ahead aware of when your senses tend to control your actions; and the ability to withdraw from this sensory pull to consciously decide the most appropriate action.
pranayama - breathing techniques
Wishing you a week ahead filled with lots of conscious, deliberate breathing.
asana - steady & easy seat
Traditionally asana was only 1 aspect of yoga – and in the yoga sutras asana is simply referred to as ‘steady, easy seat’ which was used by yogis to sit, in padmasana, lotus pose, or a variation, for long periods of meditation.
international day of yoga
How I practice and what yoga means to me. The 8 limbs of yoga (Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras).
isvara pranidana - surrender
Reflecting, is there something in my life I'm trying to control? Am I too invested in a particular outcome….. and can I let it go?
sankalpa - live with intent
Resolving this week, to live with intent. To listen to your heart; to where you need to focus your energy, to live your truth.