My Blog
svadhyaya - self study
Svadhyaya encourages us to get to know ourselves, what’s taking place within… being interested and curious
tapas - self discipline
When do I need to remind myself the greater gains are more beneficial than the obstacles and distractions, and the instant gratification?
santosha - contentment
Wishing you a week ahead filled with gratitude and acceptance, for the journey you’re on.
your heartfelt desire – a practice
A meditation practice to reflect on what’s most important to you in this life.
saucha - purity
On a physical level we are taught to keep ourselves clean and well nourished. But what about our minds - how do we foster a clean and well-functioning mind?
aparigraha - letting go
To a wonderful week ahead, letting go of what no longer serves you… and trusting you will be provided for.
brahmacharya - moderation
Brahmacharya - right use of energy, often translated as non-excess or moderation.
Inner Resource - a meditation focus
Our weekly meditation session focus was on cultivating an inner resource of calm, ease and a sense of ‘everything is okay’, in this moment, and the ability to be with what is.
asteya - be generous
Not stealing, but rather being grateful with what you have and generous in your giving to others.
satya - be honest
’What unhelpful thought or thought pattern have I been assuming or accepting to be true? Can I turn it around? Considering for a moment its opposite.'
ahimsa - be kind
Who in my life do I need to seek to understand, and consider how to be a little kinder? Acknowledging they have a story, a struggle, and suffer, just like I do.
how to start to meditate
No hand positions required… and I recommend you start with bite size pieces, or ‘spot meditations’.
acceptance | weekly yoga class focus
Accepting ourselves and all the different parts of us is much more helpful than pushing away or denying the parts we don’t like. To live with inner harmony involves accepting our whole selves with compassion and kindness.
how meditation has improved my life
I have always had a blessed and privileged life and yet it was hard. Hard because of all the pressures and expectations I put on myself, the feelings of not ever being good enough